You decided to start building your e-shop, which is great, but there are some things which you should keep in mind, both to prepare for them and also to better plan for your e-shop development and process.
Now that you are building your own store, you will need to think about and prepare various information so that the store development can go smoothly and without backs and forths.
How your clients will pay online? Deposits, cash on delivery, paypal and standard payment methods? If you want a CC e-pos redirection module, you first need a contract with a bank.
Think about your payment methods and especially if you need a Credit Card e-pos redirection module.
If you do, contact a bank and join a program for a redirection module, purchase the required payment gateway plugins and start the tests. Same for shipping and costs, select your model based on what your shipping company offers you and provide detailed info to your developer.
Think about your shipping methods and costs, ideally, the dev will need a list of areas and weight ranges and corresponding costs for each class in order to set them up.
Offers & Promotion
Think about what types of offers and interactions with the client you will need to suppose on your online store so the dev can prepare them prior to launch, you can add later too.
Here is an infographic we created for you that might come handy :
( click image to download as PDF )
Need more help with your e-shop? Give us a buzz :
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